General Meeting Minutes
May 16, 2024

General Meeting Minutes
April 18, 2024

General Meeting Minutes
March 21, 2024

The March 21st, 2024 meeting of the Pine Island Garden Club was held at the Fishers of Men Lutheran Church and was called to order at 9:30 AM by President Marty Kendall.  Marty invited everyone to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  Marty acknowledged and thanked the Tea Committee for the festive St Patrick’s Day spread today. (Each month’s committee leader is reminded to inform the next month’s leader of status of supplies.)

Marty’s Quotes of the Day: “A garden is a silent loyal friend and a great listener.” and  
“If a man is alone in the garden and speaks, and there is no woman to hear him, is he still wrong?”

Membership:  Alice Trant reported that she received several membership renewals today and that 11 guests were in attendance today, several of which were interested in becoming members.

Recording Secretary:  Recording Secretary Carol Mullin reported that Minutes of the February meeting were previously posted to the club website and were emailed to all members. A motion was made by Barb Riordan and supported by Marcia Gobble to approve the Minutes as presented.  The motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer:  Treasurer Barb Riordan reported that the Gala income received as of the end of February was $13,555 with more income and expenses to come in.  Barb broke down the revenue collected by each committee with comparisons to prior year.  A motion was made by Cheryl King and supported by Susan Schroeder to approve the Treasurer's report.  The motion passed unanimously.  Donations will be presented to PI Food Pantry, C.R.O.W., Beacon of Hope and Calusa Land Trust at the next meeting.

Program:  Jerry Hook of St James City, among other impressive designations, is a member of the Audubon Society’s Florida Chapter of Eagle Watch Program. Jerry diligently monitors all of the eagles’ nests on PI and reports data to the watch program. Hurricane Ian devastated all of the nests and most of the trees which previously held nests on PI, therefore nests had to be rebuilt in new locations.  This year, 9 nests were discovered and monitored containing 12 eaglets.  Jerry provided many more interesting facts and stunning photos of eagles, osprey and other “winged things” on PI. A map of the nest locations can be found online by searching Florida Eagle Watch.

Ways and Means:  Susan Johnson announced that logoed merchandise was available for sale and encouraged everyone to purchase merchandise and tickets for today’s 50/50 raffle.  She advised that W&M will have a booth at the Chamber’s Island Market on March 30 and April 27, as well as Mango Mania on July 13th, and needs volunteers to sign up for specific times.
Field Trips:  Kathleen Hecksher will email information regarding time slots and addresses for the April 4th viewing of 2 members’ and 1 non-member’s local “resurrection” gardens.  Kathleen is already working on 3 field trips for next year.

Garden Park:  Cheryl King suggested that the next regular cleanup session may be changed to PI Elementary on Thursday, March 28th at 8:30 AM.

Museum Grounds:   Carol Noble invited any interested members to join with the committee at the next cleanup work party on Monday, March 25th beginning at 8:30 AM to do a little maintenance.  

Community Garden Projects:  
-Barb Riordan will be organizing work parties at the Kiwanis Kids’ Park on April 5th (one week later than usual).  Members of the committee are reminded to bring tools, gloves and water.
-Kathy Weinberger is monitoring the garden at the Bokeelia Post Office and reports that mulch will be spread soon.
-Cheryl King will assess needs at the Pine Island Elementary today.
-Kathy Weinberger will assess needs at the Beacon of Hope.

Plant Therapy: Cheryl King will ask for help filling vases for delivery with Beacon Bites in May.

Digital and Social Media:  Victoria Dinger has posted many photos from the Gala on the website and keeps it updated with club information.

Gala:  Beth Smith thanked everyone who worked on making the Gala a great success and she was in turn shown appreciation by receiving a standing ovation.  The post Gala committee meeting produced suggestions for improvements for next year.  As Beth and Herb are planning to relocate by next year, Beth advised that new leadership is needed to be arranged to take over the various areas of responsibility.  Beth is prepared to assist with the transitions and presented pros and cons of changing the venue from the Garden Park to the St James City Civic Association property.   A motion was made by Alice Trant and supported by Susan Schroeder to change the venue for next year’s Gala to be held on February 22, 2025 to SJCCA. The motion passed unanimously.

Horticulture:  Donna Schneider presented detailed and very interesting information on the edible
pineapple as well as the ornamental pineapple, both of which are bromeliads.  Her report will be posted on the club website.

Old Business:  none

New Business:  The club received a very generous donation of a new projector from Jerry and Nancy Hook.

Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 AM followed by the 50/50 and raffle drawings.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Mullin
Recording Secretary

Digital and Social Media club
March 21, 2024

The Digital and Social Media Committee is dedicated to enhancing user experience on our website by implementing streamlined navigation. Members are encouraged to explore the site and provide feedback on their experience. Please review the pages from your devices to ensure easy access to all necessary information.
Over the past several months, our website has garnered over half a million views per month, largely due to the community's interest in our widely popular Gala event. The dedicated committee members of the Digital and Social Media Committee greatly contributed to our success this year. We couldn’t do it without the help of...

General Meeting Minutes
February 15, 2024

The February 15th, 2024 meeting of the Pine Island Garden Club was held at the Fishers of Men Lutheran
Church and was called to order at 9:30 AM by President Marty Kendall. Marty invited everyone to recite the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Marty acknowledged and thanked the Tea Committee for the festive spread
today. (Each month’s committee leader is reminded to inform the next month’s leader of status of supplies.)

Marty’s Quotes of the Day: 

“I don’t know who needs to hear this, but you’re a great gardener. That plant really should have tried harder.”


“Somewhere in the world a tree sprouted on the same day you were born and has been growing alongside you and I think this is my favorite nature fact.”

Membership: Alice Trant reported that paid memberships currently stand at 97. No guests were in attendance today. Today’s meeting was very well attended.

Recording Secretary: Recording Secretary Carol Mullin reported that Minutes of the January meeting were
previously posted to the club website and were emailed to all members. A motion was made by Barb Riordan
and supported by Marcia Gobble to approve the Minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer: Treasurer Barb Riordan stated she distributed the current P&L along with the reconciliation to the
bank statement and check book. A motion was made by Carol Noble and supported by Marcia Gobble to
approve the Treasurer's report. The motion passed unanimously.

Ways and Means: Susan Johnson announced that all of the new merchandise was on display and available for sale and encouraged everyone to purchase merchandise and tickets for today’s 50/50 raffle. She advised that W&M will have a booth at the Chamber’s Island Market in March and April and needs volunteers to sign up.

Field Trips: Kathleen Hecksher stated that there were 24 participating in the field trip on January 24th to
Sundance Orchids, lunch at Bahama Breeze and the hayride at Farmer Mike’s. The next event will be tours of 2
members’ and 1 non-member’s local “resurrection” gardens on April 4. More details will be forthcoming.
Garden Park: Cathy Chumley thanked the many workers from the January clean up event getting the park
looking very nice for the Gala. The next regular cleanup session will be Thursday, February 22nd at 8:30 AM.
Museum Grounds: Carol Noble invited any interested members to join with the committee at the next
cleanup work party on Monday, February 19th beginning at 8:30 AM to do a little maintenance.

Community Garden Projects:
-Barb Riordan will be organizing work parties at the Kiwanis Kids’ Park on the last Friday of each month,
starting at 8:30 AM. With cleanup completed, replanting will take place next. Members of the committee are
reminded to bring tools, gloves and water.
-Jill Weaver is monitoring the garden at the Bokeelia Post Office and reports that mulch will be spread soon.
-Cheryl King will assess needs at the Pine Island Elementary after the Gala.
-Kathy Weinberger will assess needs at the Beacon of Hope after the Gala.

Plant Therapy: no report

Digital and Social Media: no report

Gala: Beth Smith reported the last-minute preparations for the Gala with set-up at Phillips Park beginning
early on Friday, February 16. Several committees still needed volunteers to complete the work schedules for
Gala Day activities. This year’s Gala is expected to be the biggest and best yet with 78 spaces and 61 paid
vendors. The event will run “rain or shine so come prepared for the weather. Ready, Set, Go!”

Horticulture: no report

Old Business: none

New Business: Marty announced that at the March meeting voting for new Board members will take place. A
short new Board Meeting will follow the regular meeting,
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 AM followed by the 50/50 raffle drawing.

Respectfully submitted,
Carol Mullin
Recording Secretary

General Meeting Minutes

January 18, 2024

The January18, 2024 meeting of the Pine Island Garden Club was held at the Fishers of Men Lutheran Church
and was called to order at 9:30 AM by President Marty Kendall. Marty invited everyone to recite the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag. Marty acknowledged and thanked the Tea Committee for the beautiful buffet today.

Marty’s Quotes of the Day:

 “Gardening is the most responsible excuse I can think of for avoiding adult responsibilities.” 


“Growing old is like being increasingly penalized for a crime you haven’t committed.”

Membership: Alice Trant reported that paid memberships currently stand at 97 including 5 new members in
attendance today.

Recording Secretary: Recording Secretary Carol Mullin reported that Minutes of the November meeting were
previously posted to the club website and were emailed to all members. Amotion was made by Barb Riordan
and supported by Irene Parker to approve the Minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer: Treasurer Barb Riordan stated she was able to reconcile all financial statements. Paid expenses still
more than offset the revenue as of December 31, 2023, however Gala activity is expected to yield a net profit
and the current cash level is adequate. Amotion was made by Beth Smith and supported by Cheryl King to
approve the Treasurer's report. The motion passed unanimously.

Nominations: Marty distributed a list of current officers and requested nominations for next year’s BOD. All
positions were open to nominations. Anyone interested in joining the BOD should contact Marty.

Ways and Means: Susan Johnson advised that W&M will not set up a booth at the Chamber’s Island Market
in January nor February, however will participate in March and April. Volunteers are needed to work in the
booth. All of the new merchandise was on display and available for sale. Susan encouraged everyone to
purchase merchandise and tickets for today’s 50/50 raffle.

Field Trips: Kathleen Hecksher stated that she was collecting the $12 for the field trip on January 24th to
Sundance Orchids, lunch at Bahama Breeze and also Mike’s Farm Market. The price covers the hayride at the
farm. Transportation and lunch are not included. The next event will be tours of members’ local gardens on
April 4.

Garden Park: Cathy Chumley thanked the many workers from the December work party during which they
spread 90 bags of mulch. She invited any interested members to join with the committee members to participate in the next cleanup work party on Thursday, January 25th starting at 8:30 AM to spruce up before the Gala. This will include cleaning the stored chairs so buckets and towels are needed.

Museum Grounds: Carol Noble invited any interested members to join with the committee at the next
cleanup work party on Monday, January 22nd beginning at 8:30 AM.

Community Garden Projects:
-Barb Riordan will be organizing work parties at the Kiwanis Kids’ Park on the last Friday of each month,
starting at 8:30 AM.With cleanup completed, replanting will take place next. Members of the committee are
reminded to bring tools, gloves and water.
-Susan Schroeder stated that the St James City Civic Association could use some help or funds to replant.
-KathyWeinberger stated that the Beacon of Hope has some new areas needing to be replanted.

Digital and Social Media: Victoria Dinger reminded everyone that all of the Gala information is posted on the
website which is accessible to members using the extension for the Gala-Members. She also invited anyone to send her appropriate postings and photos for the website.

Gala: Beth Smith reported significant progress on the preparations for the February 17, 2024 Gala with 73
vendor spaces filled and overflow being sold in the field to the north. Sign-up sheets for work committees were posted and all the printed materials were available. Beth reminded everyone that all members are expected to
provide a bake sale item early on the day of the Gala and plants or pots for the plant table which should be
dropped off the day prior to the Gala by 12:30 PM. Marty and Beth reviewed the status of securing donations
from local vendors. All committee chairs were recognized for their work and everyone was encouraged to
volunteer as there is still much prep work to be done in addition to activities on Gala Day which is expected to
be the biggest and best yet.

Horticulture: Joyce Lake asked Nancy Hook to give a “tips and tricks” talk demonstrating the garden tools
that she uses. Nancy gave some very helpful information and introduced some out of the ordinary tools. Nancy
plans to distribute her entire speech to all members.

Plant Therapy: Cheryl King purchased poinsettias for the Beacon Bites recipients for Christmas and included
one for member Holly Aldrich who is laid up from a bad injury. Holly is looking for someone to assist her at
her home as she recuperates.

Old Business:  Pine seedlings—Marty explained that the supply of seedlings was depleted during the time that her payment was being located, therefore this project was cancelled.

New Business:  None

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 AM followed by the 50/50 raffle drawing.

Respectfully submitted,
Carol Mullin
Recording Secretary




The GRASS SICKLE is curved with serrations on the inside of the tapered 7” stainless steel blade and has a wooden handle. It allows the user to reach, gather and cut stems in bromeliad plants, deadhead foliage and spent flowers, weeds, and shrubs quickly, with little effort. The blade is durable and will not dull or rust, even if used in the soil to dig out small weeds. Best used with gloves for the first few weeks, as it is extremely sharp. One hand cuts with a slicing motion, while the other holds the items being cut well away from the blade, then disposes what as cut right into a bucket or tarp. It can be dragged flat along the ground to cleanly cut plants
when done or pushed with the dull side to remove seedling weeds. Whenever a new plant is removed from its pot, use the tip to tease the roots from their tight circle to encourage growth in their new home. Available from Amazon, the recommended one is made by SHANFEEK and sold for $14.99. The HORI-HORI KNIFE is a straight knife with serrations on one side. This brand also has
measurements on the side for depth, which is helpful for bulb planting. It is a bulldog for digging weeds, planting and division, but can also do most of the deadheading, just as the grass sickle can. Very rootbound plants can be cut down the sides with the serrated side before planting and when used like a saw, dividing bromeliads or woody astilbes and grasses is easier. (Admittedly, a reciprocating saw is best for that chore.). The only drawback is the lack of the curve to help with reach. Available from Amazon, the recommended one is made by ATTICAN and called BLACK IRON HORI-HORI KNIFE.  I have used both tools in Florida and NY for years and they are always in my tool basket and reached for first. I have never put them back into the sheaths provided and feel that is less of a danger than pulling them out of those sheaths when new. Remember this rhyme for when todeadhead and your garden will always be neat: “If it’s brown, cut it down”! small takeout container for the dead bodies, which disturbs the mulch less and doesn’t reveal other weed seeds to the light, bypass pruners for larger branches and clippers for cutting flowers or delicate deadheading, a pair of gloves for pruning, either goat skin for prickly plants or nitrile coated fabric, which is cooler in hot weather for all other plants. When weeding or planting, my hands are protected, but able to have better dexterity whenwearing a pair of clear one size fits all gloves and then a pair of outer black nitrile gloves. Bought by the hundreds on Amazon, each pair lasts a week and are used over and over. The inner glove is always worn, no matter which outer glove is being worn, because even if there are
wear holes in the fingers of the outer gloves (and maybe can be prevented by fingernails notpoking through in the first place), your hands stay clean. If nature or your phone calls, the filthy outer glove is easily removed and the clear glove is removed inside out. When you need it again, puff gently to re-inflate and the dry side is now where fingers go. They are available also
at Harbor Freight, including their $2.79 green nitrile and fabric gloves, which are impervious to thorns and mud, but flexible and not too hot. Gloves are essential when reaching into plants where poisonous spiders and fire ants live. Amazon. Made by TITANFLEX ( do not buy less than 5 mil thick for durability). Clear gloves are one size fits all and at any dollar store, Harbor Freightor Amazon. Useful for painting with an over glove, as well.


General Meeting Minutes

October 19, 2023

The October 19, 2023 meeting of the Pine Island Garden Club was held at the Fishers of Men Lutheran Church
and was called to order at 9:30 AM by President Marty Kendall. Marty invited everyone to recite the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag. Marty acknowledged and thanked the Tea Committee for the beautiful buffet today.

Marty’s Quotes of the Day: “Gardening is still therapy even if I kill everything I plant.” 


“I probably would not kill my plants if they let me know when they needed water or food, like my pets.”

Membership: Alice Trant reported that paid memberships currently stand at 93. Alice welcomed all members
and the 4 guests attending today.

Program: Liz Duchaine introduced Mariana Pardo, Lee County Master Gardener. Mariana’s program was
titled Sanibel’s Revegetation Post Hurricane Ian. She discussed the many “Pioneer Native Plants”, including
some flowers, ground covers, ferns, shrubs and trees, that are thriving even after the surge and devastation on
Sanibel. A fun fact that Mariana shared was that there are approximately 2,800 native plants and approximately
1,300 invasive plants in Florida.

Recording Secretary: Recording Secretary Carol Mullin reported that the Minutes of the September meeting
were emailed to all members. A motion was made by Alice Trant and supported by Barb Riordan to approve the
Minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer: Treasurer Barb Riordan explained that the current P&L indicated a deficit of $432 due to
expenditures made to purchase new inventory and in advance of the Gala. Revenue from merchandise sales and
from the Gala will produce a profit as indicated in the budget. A motion was made by Cheryl King and
supported by Susan Schroeder to approve the Treasurer's report. The motion passed unanimously.

Ways and Means: Susan Johnson advised that W&M will again set up a booth at the Chamber’s Island Market
in November, December and January as long as enough volunteers signed up to work at the booth. Susan
displayed the new merchandise ready for sale which included new Tervis items, gardening aprons, tote bags,
SPF sun hats, hand decorated note cards made by Marty Kendall. Susan encouraged everyone to purchase
merchandise and tickets for today’s plant raffle.

Gala: Cheryl King read Beth Smith’s report of progress on the preparations for the February 17, 2024 Gala.
Sign-up sheets for work committees and all the printed materials will be available next month.

Garden Park: Cheryl King invited any interested members to join with the committee members to participate
in the next cleanup work party on Thursday, October 26th starting at 8:30 AM.

Museum Grounds: Carol Noble invited any interested members to join with the committee members to
participate in the next cleanup work party on Monday, October 23rd beginning at 8:30 AM.

Field Trips: Kathleen Hecksher notified everyone that the fieldtrip to Marie Selby Gardens in Sarasota on
November 3 starting at 10:30 AM is all set.

Digital and Social Media: Victoria Dinger announced that soon she would be posting videos as well as
pictures to the website.

Community Garden Projects: Barb Riordan will be organizing work parties at the Kiwanis Park on the last
Friday of each month. Cleanup is still needed before replanting. Members of the committee are reminded to
bring tools, gloves and water.

Horticulture: President Kendall provided the names of some plants that are ideal for planting this fall
including, gallardia, marigolds, moss rose, zinnia, and New Guinea impatiens.

Plant Therapy: Cheryl King has been preparing the bud vases for the Beacon Bites deliveries on special
occasions. She requested help with filling the bud vases which she will bring to the next meeting.

Old Business:
-In December, President Kendall will pick up 250 containerized long leaf pine seedlings from Lee County
Forestry for willing members to “babysit” until ready to plant in June (rainy season).

New Business:
-Susan Schroeder distributed the menu that will be offered at the traditional club Holiday Luncheon on
December 7, 2023 at Mistos Restaurant on Del Prado. Reservations with menu selections and payment of $30
may be made until December 1st. Guests are also invited. Participation in a gift exchange and/or 50/50 raffle is
-President Kendall asked members to think of group projects that may be crafted for sale at the Gala.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 AM followed by the plant raffle drawings.

Respectfully submitted,
Carol Mullin
Recording Secretary



General Meeting Minutes

September 21, 2023

The September 21, 2023 meeting of the Pine Island Garden Club was held at the Fishers of Men LutheranSEPTEMBER 2023 Church and was called to order at 9:30 AM by President Marty Kendall. Marty welcomed everyone back from the summer break as all stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Marty acknowledged and thanked the Tea Committee for a delicious spread today.

Marty’s Quotes of the Day: 

“When you plant something, you invest in a beautiful future amidst a sometimes

stressful, chaotic and, at times, a downright appalling world.” and

“What gives people feelings of power? ...Money? Status?... Growing a tomato!”


Membership: Alice Trant reported that paid memberships currently stand at approximately 100. Today’s

meeting was well attended and included 1 guest. Alice invited anyone who still needs to submit a membership

application or to have a yearbook photo taken to do so today. Yearbooks for the new year were distributed.


Program: Liz Duchaine introduced Rusty Bell, horticulturist, of Sundance Orchids and Bromeliads located in

Bokeelia. Rusty discussed how to propagate and grow aroids such a philodendrons, pothos and monsteras, to

reach maximum size. A stem with a leaf and a node will root in water, however the key to growing larger leaves

is that the roots need to be able to reach into the soil to obtain water.


Recording Secretary: Recording Secretary Carol Mullin reported that the Minutes of the May meeting were

emailed to all members and also reminded members that they could find prior approved minutes and a draft of

the current minutes on the club website: A motion was made by Barb

Riordan and supported by Beth Smith to approve the Minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously.


Treasurer: Treasurer Barb Riordan prepared a proposed budget for the new year which was previously

distributed via email to members. After a brief discussion of budget changes from prior years, a motion was

made by Cheryl King and supported by Beth Smith to approve the Treasurer's proposed budget. The motion

passed unanimously.


Ways and Means: Susan Johnson advised that W&M will again set up a booth at the Chamber’s Island Market

in November, December and January and requested volunteers to sign up to work at the booth. PR and sales at

these markets have been good. Susan described the new merchandise ready for sale and also the items coming

next month, which included new Tervis items, gardening aprons, tote bags, SPF sun hats, hand decorated note

cards made by Marty Kendall and some decorated pots prepared by Carol Jo Nelson. Susan encouraged

everyone to purchase merchandise and tickets for today’s plant raffle.


Gala: Beth Smith has obtained a beautiful new banner for the entrance to the Gala, new banners for each table,

new road signs, 2 new tents, table cloths and a garden wagon all in preparation of the February 17, 2024 Gala.

Work committees are forming. Much more will be discussed next month.


Garden Park: Kathy Chumley invited members to participate in the next cleanup work party on Thursday,

September 28th starting at 8:30 AM. General weeding is needed as things are growing wild.


Museum Grounds: Carol Noble invited members to participate in the next work party on Monday, September

25th beginning at 8:30 AM. Work was done over the summer but was limited due to the summer heat.


Field Trips: Kathleen Hecksher notified everyone that she has arranged a fieldtrip to Marie Selby Gardens in

Sarasota on November 3 starting at 10:30 AM. Anyone wanting to participate should sign up with Kathleen





General Meeting Minutes 

May 18, 2023

General Meeting Minutes
May 18, 2023

The May 18, 2023 meeting of the Pine Island Garden Club was held at the Fishers of Men Lutheran Church and was called to order at 9:00 AM by President Marty Kendall. All stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Marty thanked the Tea Committee for an outstanding assortment of goodies supported by Cheryl King.

Marty’s Quote of the Day: 

“You know you are a good gardener when dirt drops out of your bra at the end of the day.”


“I don’t remember what I wanted to be when I grew up...but I’m sure it wasn’t a sarcastic bitch with a
plant hoarding problem.”

Program: President Kendall introduced Rusty Bell, a horticultural professional with Island Breeze Tropicals in Bokeelia. Rusty discussed the what, when and how of fertilizing and growing healthy bromeliads. Rusty entertained and informed the club members giving detailed information and answering many questions following his presentation.

Membership: Alice Trant reported that paid membership currently stands at 90ish, as applications are still being processed. Attendance totaled xx members including 5 new today plus 3 guests. Membership
applications for next season are due today. Updated information is requested for the new yearbook.
Treasurer: Treasurer Barb Riordan reported a healthy bank balance of $13K, while the P&L reflects a deficit to date of <$6,174>. Despite not hosting a Gala this year, donations were paid out. Tents and other supplies needed for the Gala were purchased. The fiscal year ends June 30. Income is coming in from membership dues and Ways and Means sales and raffles. The Gala is fully expected to be held in 2024. A motion was made by Susan Schroeder and supported by Alice Trant to approve the Treasurer's report as presented. The motion passed unanimously.

Recording Secretary: Recording Secretary Carol Mullin reported that the Minutes of the April meeting were emailed to all members and also reminded members that they could find prior approved minutes and a draft of the current minutes on the club website: A motion was made by Barb Riordan and supported by Herb Smith to approve the Minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 

Ways and Means: Joyce Bieber conveyed a report provided by Susan Johnson advising that W&M again sold merchandise at the Chamber Island Market on April 29th. New merchandise and donated gardening books (from Susan Quattro) are available for sale. Joyce encouraged everyone to purchase merchandise and ticketsfor today’s 50/50 and plant raffle. Credit card transactions are now available.

Gala: Beth Smith is working on acquiring banners and other essentials for the 2024 Gala.
Garden Park: Cheryl King invited members to participate in the next work party on Thursday, May 25th
starting at 8:30 AM. Another group of volunteers is expected to help lay mulch in June.

Museum Grounds: Carol Noble invited members to participate in the next work party on Monday, May 22nd beginning at 8:30 AM. Volunteers spread mulch and some shell rock last month. The committee will work all through the summer. All are invited to participate on the normal Monday (after the 3rd Thursday) schedule.

Field Trips: President Kendall reported that Kathleen Hecksher is working field trips for next season.
Digital and Social Media: Victoria Dinger invited everyone to view the club website new horticultural presentations which she recently posted. Members can access members and minutes sections by adding
“/members” or “/minutes” to the website: Victoria requested members to send any additional event announcements and pictures for posting on the website.

Community Garden Projects: John Kendall reviewed all of the projects and needed activities.

Horticulture: Joyce Lake requested recounts from members regarding how their gardens came back over time after Hurricane Ian destroyed them. Send your stories to: In addition, she
recommended reading the fire ant information posted on the website.

Old Business:

- President Kendall reminded everyone that Colleen Smith, Assistant Manager of the PI Public Library
announced a program that she is interested in starting: “a seed library in collaboration with PIGC as a public
education resource”. Interested gardeners should take seeds to Colleen at the library.

- President Kendall presented an idea regarding the propagation of pine trees to help replace the huge number of trees destroyed in the hurricane or by subsequent pine borer infestation. Stephen Brown of IFAS assured her that the borers would not infest healthy growth. In October, President Kendall will acquire a supply of seedlings for members to “babysit” until ready to later plant in area preserves.

-A group of members responded to Margaret Bergsten’s request for help in sprucing up an ill friend’s garden.

Rita Kemp, a friend of the cancer patient sent a thank you letter stating how much the effort was appreciated.

New Business:

-Barb Riordan made an appeal to members so set up purple martin bird houses on their docks.

-Julie Stein invited members to join a private facebook page for Pine Island Garden Club.

-Sue Dahod warned everyone to be cautious when on or near the water in Matlacha as there is a large area of algae which seems to be worsening.

-Donna Schneider of PI Tropicals is offering free heliconia plants. Contact info is in the handbook.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 AM followed by the 50/50 and plant raffle drawings.

Respectfully submitted,
Carol Mullin
Recording Secretary


April 20, 2023

The April 20, 2023 meeting of the Pine Island Garden Club was held at the Fishers of Men Lutheran Church and was called to order at 9:45 AM by President Marty Kendall.  All stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  Marty thanked the Tea Committee for an outstanding buffet. 

Marty’s Quote of the Day:  

“You know you are a hardcore gardener if you deadhead flowers in other people’s gardens.” 


“Green Thumb—King Edward loved peas so much that he had laborers working to keep him supplied.  He gave a prize to the worker with the greenist thumb, stained from hours of shelling.”

Program: President Kendall introduced Mariana Pardo, a Master Gardener Volunteer from Lee County (Sanibel) along with Maryanne Parsons, an associate.  Due to major technical difficulties, Mariana’s presentation will be rescheduled to next season and promises to be even more informative with comparative photos from now to 6 months from now.  An abbreviated discussion of the current growing conditions post Hurricane Ian was held, with the mantra of “wait and see what plants come back”.

Membership: Alice Trant reported that paid membership currently stands at 89.  Attendance totaled 56  members including 5 new today plus 2 guests.  Membership applications for next season were available and are due by the May meeting. Victoria Krouch and Margaret Bergsten are available to take new photos for the handbook.

Treasurer: Treasurer Barb Riordan reported a healthy bank balance of $14K, while the P&L reflects inventory purchases for Ways and Means and donations made last month resulting in a slight deficit to date of <$1,900>.  The fiscal year ends June 30.  Ways and Means has done a fabulous job of bringing in income from merchandise and raffle ticket sales.  Other income to date was from membership dues.  The Gala is fully expected to be held in 2024.  A motion was made by Kathy Chumley and supported by Cheryl King to approve the Treasurer's report as presented.  The motion passed unanimously.

Recording Secretary:  Recording Secretary Carol Mullin reported that the Minutes of the March meeting were emailed to all members and also reminded members that they could find prior approved minutes and a draft of the current minutes on the club website: A motion was made by Barb Riordan and supported by Nancy Kennedy to approve the Minutes as presented.  The motion passed unanimously. 

Ways and Means: Susan Johnson advised that W&M will again set up a booth at the Chamber Island Market on April 29th after securing 5 volunteers to work at the booth.  Susan solicited ideas for next season’s merchandise in addition to the gardening aprons and new tank tops already purchased. Some ideas offered included reusable shopping bags, SPF sun shirts and garden hats. Marty Kendall displayed a note card made from recycled envelopes which have a design on the inside, i.e. safety paper from a bank. Members were asked to collect these envelopes and get them to Marty.  Susan encouraged everyone to purchase merchandise and tickets for today’s plant raffle. 

Garden Park: Kathy Chumley invited members to participate in the next storm cleanup work party on Thursday, April 27th starting at 8:30 AM.  The metal that was dumped in the park will be removed by the county.

Museum Grounds:  Carol Noble invited members to participate in the next work party on Monday, April 24th beginning at 8:30 AM.  Carol needs 8 volunteers to spread mulch and some shell rock.

Field Trips: President Kendall reported that Kathleen Hecksher is working field trips for next season.

Digital and Social Media:  Victoria Krouch invited everyone to view the club website which displays all of the information that is in the yearbook as well as current updates, pictures and even videos. Members can access members and minutes sections by adding “/members” or “/minutes” to the website: Victoria requested members to send any additional event announcements and pictures for posting on the website.

Community Garden Projects:  President Kendall stated that John Kendall volunteered to serve as the new project coordinator.  He will call on the committees to organize needed activities. Barb Riordan advised that the Kiwanis park has a group coming on May 11 to clean up the park and garden, after which we can replant flowers.

Horticulture:  Joyce Lake requested recounts from members regarding how their gardens came back over time after Hurricane Ian destroyed them. Send your stories to

Plant Therapy: 

-Marilyn Moore requested volunteers to prepare the 16 bud vases for the May 1st Beacon Bites delivery.  Barb Riordan and Cheryl King stepped up.

-Margaret Bergsten requested help to spruce up an ill friend’s garden. Margaret will send out an email.

-President Kendall suggested that everyone surprise a neighbor with flowers placed on their door on May Day which was a family tradition. 

Old Business: 

- President Kendall reminded everyone that Colleen Smith, Assistant Manager of the PI Public Library announced a program that she is interested in starting:  “a seed library in collaboration with PIGC as a public education resource”. Interested gardeners should take seeds to Colleen at the library.

- President Kendall presented an idea regarding the propagation of pine trees to help replace the huge number of trees destroyed in the hurricane or by subsequent pine borer infestation. Stephen Brown of IFAS assured her that the borers would not infest healthy growth.  In October, President Kendall will acquire a supply of seedlings for members to “babysit” until ready to later plant in area preserves. 

New Business: 

-President Kendall reported that Thank You notes were received from The Beacon of Hope, The Calusa Land Trust and C.R.O.W. with much appreciation for our donations made last month. 

-Nancy Hook obtained a large supply of quilting material and stamping supplies and asked for suggestions where to re-gift these items. She used some of the quilting material to make a beautiful banner for the W&M s table.  President Kendall suggested that Pine Island Elementary would welcome the donation of the supplies.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 AM followed by the plant raffle drawings.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Mullin

Recording Secretary

Pending updates and approval by the membership at the next Pine Island Garden Club Meeting
General Meeting Minutes 

March 16, 2023 

The March 16, 2023 meeting of the Pine Island Garden Club was held at the Fishers of Men Lutheran Church and was called to order at 9:30 AM by President Marty Kendall. All stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Marty welcomed everyone back and thanked the Tea Committee. 

Marty's Quote of the Day: 

"If your plant's leaves are turning yellow, it might be because it has too much water, too much light, too little light, too much fertilizer, not enough fertilizer, or maybe your plant is just an a. **hole who doesn't want you to be successful and happy." 

Membership: Alice Trant reported that paid membership currently stands at 80. Attendance included 17 guests, 7 of whom became new members today. 

Treasurer: Treasurer Barb Riordan reported a healthy bank balance of $19K out of which $5,500 in donations was presented to representatives today: $2,500 to Beacon of Hope, $2,500 to C.R.O.W. and $500 to The Calusa Land Trust. Without income from this year's GALA (canceled due to Hurricane Ian), the current P&L only reflects membership dues and income from the sales efforts of Ways and Means. A motion was made by Cassie Gosselin and supported by Victoria Krouch to approve the Treasurer's report as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 

Recording Secretary: Recording Secretary Carol Mullin reported that the Minutes of the February meeting were emailed to all members and also reminded members that they could find prior approved minutes and a draft of the current minutes on the club website: A motion was made by John Kendall and supported by Susan Schroeder to approve the Minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 

Gala: Beth Smith stated that preparations for the 2024 Gala have begun. Cheryl King has agreed to work with Beth in the event that the Smith's move from PI as anticipated. 

Ways and Means: Joyce Bieber reported for Susan Johnson that W &M will again set up a booth at the Chamber Island Market on April 29th and requested volunteers to work. Income earned at the February Island Market from sales of merchandise and donated plants totaled $322. Additional merchandise inventory has been ordered. Joyce encouraged everyone to purchase the displayed merchandise and tickets for today's raffle. 

Program: President Kendall introduced Robert Ballard, President of The Calusa Land Trust and a Pine Island native. Robert gave a very interesting and entertaining slide presentation describing the history of cattle ranching and early farming practices in Florida and specifically in Lee County. Robert learned first-hand to be a "cow hunter" by working at it as a youngster on a very large ranch/farm managed by his family. 

Garden Park: Kathy Chumley invited members to participate in the next work party on Thursday, March 23rd starting at 8:30 AM. 

Museum Grounds: Carol Noble invited members to participate in the next work party on Wednesday,  March 22nd beginning at 8:30 AM (not on Monday this month due to a scheduling conflict). 

Field Trips: Kathleen Hecksher reminded everyone that the field trip to Selby Gardens was canceled for March, however will be rescheduled for next season. 

Digital and Social Media: Victoria Krouch invited everyone to view the club website which displays all of the information that is in the yearbook as well as current updates, pictures and even videos. Members can access members and minutes sections by adding "/members" or "/minutes" to the website: Victoria requested members to send any additional pictures for posting on the website. 

Community Garden Projects: John Kendall volunteered to serve as the new project coordinator. He will survey each of our club garden projects and report to the leader of each group on what needs to be done at that site. Patricia Sullivan offered to check on the Kiwanis park and work with that group. 

Horticulture: Jeanine Viviano presented the Jamaican Caper Tree which produces very fragrant white flowers. It is a beautiful native landscape tree but is a slow grower. 

Old Business: 

- President Kendall reminded everyone that Colleen Smith, Assistant Manager of the PI Public Library announced a program that she is interested in starting: "a seed library in collaboration with PIGC as a public education resource". Interested gardeners should take seeds to Colleen at the library.
- Barb Riordan submitted a grant application to the Wild Flower Foundation and received a response. The requirements were such that it is not a good fit for our club, therefore no further action will be taken at this time.

New Business:

- President Kendall presented an idea regarding the propagation of pine trees to help replace the huge number of trees destroyed in the hurricane or by subsequent pine borer infestation. Stephen Brown of IFAS assured her that the borers would not infest healthy growth. A show of hands indicated interest in "babysitting" seeds and seedlings for later planting in area preserves.
- President Kendall proposed that the April 20th meeting be a "Spring Hat Party".

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 AM followed by the plant raffle drawings. 
Respectfully submitted, 

Carol Mullin 
Recording Secretary 

Pine Island Garden Club

General Meeting Minutes
February 16, 2023

The February 16, 2023 meeting of the Pine Island Garden Club was held at the Fishers of Men Lutheran Church and was called to order at 9:30 AM by President Marty Kendall. All stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Marty welcomed everyone back and thanked the Tea Committee. 

Marty's Quotes of the Day: 

"When you realize HEART and EARTH are spelled with the same letters, it all starts to make sense." 


"My face in the mirror isn't so wrinkled or drawn. My house isn't dirty, and the dust is all gone. My garden looks lovely, and so does my lawn. I think I might never put my glasses back on." 

Membership: Alice Trant reported that paid membership currently stands at 78. Attendance included 7 guests, 4 of which became new members. 

Recording Secretary: Recording Secretary Carol Mullin reported that the Minutes of the January meeting were emailed to all members and also reminded members that they could find the minutes on the club website: A motion was made by Herb Smith and supported by Barb Riordan to approve the Minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 

Treasurer: Treasurer Barb Riordan reported a healthy bank balance of $19K. We currently have a positive P&L due to the sales efforts of Ways and Means. She is still working a getting credit card capability. Barb has been working on the budget for the year. In light of the fact that no Gala will be held this year, the donations budget has been revised to spend only $2,900 on community beautification projects and a total of $8,500 on donations to other PI philanthropic organizations with specification of how the funds are to be utilized. A brief discussion followed. A motion was made by Susan Schroeder and supported by Kathleen Hecksher to approve the Treasurer's report as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 

Gala: Beth Smith stated that many Gala signs, site markers, tents and other supplies will need to be replaced due to Hurricane Ian damage, however Herb was able to save the megaphone. 

Ways and Means: Susan Johnson reported that W&M will set up a booth at the Chamber Island Market on February 25 and requested volunteers to work. The plants that were donated today will be held for sale at the market. Susan encouraged everyone to purchase merchandise and 50/50 raffle tickets for today's raffle. 

Plant Therapy: Marilyn Moore delivered 10 flower arrangements to the Beacon Bites program in January. Marilyn requested donations of bud vases for this program. She also requested that plant therapy needs should be sent to her in writing. 
Corresponding Secretary: Darlene Wirdirstky requested that all correspondence needs be sent to her in writing. 

Garden Park: Amy Lynch reported on behalf of Kathy Chumley and invited members to participate n the next work party. She will send out an email with date and time. 

Museum Grounds: Carol Noble invited members to participate in the next work party on Monday, February 20 beginning at 8:30 AM. More general cleanup is scheduled before mulching is to be done. 
Field Trips: Kathleen Hecksher announced that the field trip to Peace River Gardens on Thursday January 26 was an interesting and fun day for the 25 participants. The field trip to Selby Gardens was canceled for March, however will be rescheduled for next season. 

Digital and Social Media: Victoria Krouch invited everyone to view the club website which displays all of the information that is in the yearbook as well as current updates, pictures and even videos. 
Community Garden Projects: President Kendall will recruit a new project coordinator. Most projects are on hold after the hurricane, however Jill Weaver reported that work has been done in the flower beds at the Bokeelia Post Office. 
Horticulture: Joyce Lake presented a thorough primer on Live Oak Trees, which are considered the ultimate shade trees. 

Program: Liz Duchaine introduced Member Julie Stein, who is the President of the Caloosahatchee Bromeliad Society and who demonstrated many important methods in restoring and maintaining bromeliads after storm damage. In addition, Liz introduced members Gary and Donna Schneider, owners of PI Tropicals who gave further information on recovering other types of plants, trees and the soil after storm damage. 
Old Business: 

- Beth Smith reported that Members helping Members has an opportunity to help a member on March 8 and she will send out an email with additional information. Anyone requesting help should contact Beth.

- President Kendall reminded everyone that Forestry Resources (located on Nicholas Rd in Cape Coral) gives a discount to club members.

- Kathy Weinberger invited anyone who wants to help clean up Randell Research property to show up and join in on Mondays and Thursdays at 8 AM.

New Business:

- Colleen Smith, Assistant Manager of the PI Public Library announced a program that she is interested in starting: a seed library in collaboration with PIGC as a public education resource. Interested gardeners should visit Colleen at the library for more details.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 11 :07 AM immediately after the 50/50 raffle was announced. 

Respectfully submitted, 
Carol Mullin Recording Secretary 


General Meeting Minutes
January 19, 2023

The January 19, 2023 meeting of the Pine Island Garden Club was held at the Fishers of Men Lutheran
Church and was called to order at 9:30 AM by President Marty Kendall. All stood to recite the Pledge
of Allegiance to the Flag. Marty welcomed everyone back and thanked the Tea Committee. (No meetings were held since September due to Hurricane Ian’s impact on everyone.)

Membership:  Alice Trant reported that paid membership currently stands at 72. Attendance included
6 guests and 1 new member.

Program: None

Recording Secretary:  Recording Secretary Carol Mullin reported that the Minutes of the September
meeting were emailed to all members. A motion was made by Barb Riordan and supported by Susan
Schroeder to approve the Minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously. Victoria Krouch
informed members that they could find minutes on the club website:

Treasurer: Treasurer Barb Riordan reported a healthy bank balance of $19,203. Ways and Means has
been making sales of club merchandise generating income. Financial reports will be prepared once Barb restores her computer files and resets passwords. A motion was made by Kathleen Hecksher and supported by Susan Schroeder to approve the Treasurer's report as presented. The motion passed

Gala:  Beth Smith announced that the Gala has been canceled due to Hurricane Ian. She has contacted
vendors regarding their deposits. Only 3 vendors have requested refunds and 27 have agreed to allow
crediting their deposits to the 2024 Gala. Beth also stated that many Gala signs, site markers and other
supplies will need to be replaced due to water damage.

Ways and Means:  Susan Johnson reported that all of the club merchandise was saved from hurricane
damage. She stated that suggestions for new merchandise was welcome. Susan encouraged everyone to purchase merchandise and plant raffle tickets today.

Plant Therapy: Marilyn Moore delivered 10 flower arrangements to the Beacon Bites program in January. Future deliveries will be made in February and July. Marilyn requested donations of bud vases for this program.

Corresponding Secretary: No report

Garden Park:  Kathy Weinberger reported that the park is a disaster and invited members to participate in the next work party on Thursday, February 2 beginning at 8:00 AM.

Museum Grounds: Carol Noble invited members to participate in the next work party on Monday, January 23 beginning at 8:30 AM.

Field Trips: Kathleen Hecksher announced that the field trip to Peace River Gardens is still on for Thursday January 26. The field trip to Selby Gardens in March is canceled.

Digital and Social Media:  Victoria Krouch invited everyone to view the club website which displays all of the information that is in the handbook as well as relevant updates and pictures.

Community Garden Projects: Barb Riordan stated that the projects are currently on hold as most members have so much work at their own properties. Kathy Weinberger reported on behalf of Jill Weaver that together they spruced up the Bokeelia Post Office flower beds.

Horticulture: An exchange of questions and answers regarding members’ specific plants and how to restore hurricane damaged soil was initiated by President Kendall. Donna Schneider recommended
applying “mycorrhizal” to bring soil to life and to use “super thrive” for root growth.

Old Business: None

New Business:
- Nancy Hook offered a helpful hint to water small pots with a turkey baster.
- Barb Riordan stated that Forestry Resources gives a discount to club members.
- Beth Smith suggested that interested members could sign up to request hurricane clean up help or offer clean up help to other members. Additional information will be emailed to members.
- Kathy Weinberger invited anyone who wants to help clean up Randell Research property to show up on Mondays and Thursdays at 8 AM.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 AM immediately after the plant raffle was announced.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Mullin
Recording Secretary


 General Meeting Minutes 
September 15, 2022

The September 15, 2022 meeting of the Pine Island Garden Club was held at the Fishers of Men Lutheran Church and was called to order at 9:30 AM by President Marty Kendall. All stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Marty welcomed everyone back and thanked the Tea Committee.

Marty’s quotes of the day:

“As the garden grows, so does the gardener.” ...and....

“Man: Despite his artistic pretensions, his sophistication, and his many accomplishments, owes his existence to a 6 inch layer of top soil and the fact that it rains.”

Membership: Alice Trant reported that paid membership currently stands at 71, including 1 newmember and 1 returning member. Attendance today totaled 42, including 3 guests. Alice stated that the new 2022-2023 Yearbooks were distributed today and thanked Victoria Krouch for all of her excellent technical work on it. Alice also informed everyone that the cost of name tags has increased to $8.50 and therefore the price of new tags going forward will be $8.00.

Program: Liz Duchaine introduced Tony Mauriello, a Florida Master Naturalist. Tony presented many interesting facts regarding “The Amazing Gopher Tortoise”. Tony explained that there were 56 different species of tortoises, that they are land animals and are very important to the ecosystem.

Recording Secretary: Recording Secretary Carol Mullin reported that the Minutes of the May meeting were emailed to all members. A motion was made by Barb Riordan and supported by Nancy Kennedy to approve the Minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer: Treasurer Barb Riordan emailed the proposed 2022-2023 budget to all members in advance of the meeting. Barb explained that she based the proposed budget on financial information from 2 years ago which was a more typical year (pre-pandemic) and revised estimates of income and expense. Support of special projects is emphasized rather than outright donations which is in line with our Club Purpose Statement. Barb encouraged everyone to review and ask questions prior to voting on the budget at the October meeting. A motion was made by Beth Smith and supported by Bonnie Kellen to approve the Treasurer's report as presented. The motion passed unanimously.

Gala: Beth Smith announced that the theme for the 21st Gala will be: “Art in the Park”. The Gala will be held on February 18, 2023 at Phillips Park. Beth is in the planning stage and is contracting for a new banner, signs and other printed materials. So far, 30 vendors have pre-registered. Sign-up sheets and much more information will be available at the next meeting in October.

Ways and Means: Susan Johnson displayed newly designed merchandise and some sale items from prior years. New this year are shirts and hats for men as well as Tervis© tumblers and wine glasses. Susan encouraged everyone to purchase merchandise and plant raffle tickets today.

Plant Therapy: No recent requests for plant therapy.

Corresponding Secretary: Darlene Widirstky recently sent out cards on behalf of the club to JoanRosenberg, Cheryl King, John and Marty Kendall and Donna Cook.

Garden Park: Kathy Chumley invited members to participate in the next work party on Thursday,
September 22 beginning at 8:00 AM.

Museum Grounds: Carol Noble invited members to participate in the next work party on Monday,  September 19 beginning at 8:30 AM.

Field Trips: Kathleen Hecksher has arranged four field trips for this coming year. All of the information is available in the 2022-2023 Yearbook.

Digital and Social Media: President Kendall expressed appreciation to Victoria for the job well done on the Yearbook.

Community Garden Projects: Chair Sue Dahod called on Barb Riordan to give the update on work done at the Kiwanis kids’ playground. The committee maintains this area of the park on the last Friday of each month. The Kiwanis group expressed their gratitude for the work done by the club.

Horticulture: In Joyce Lake’s absence, President Kendall explained that members are encouraged topresent their specific horticulture questions (i.e. what is it, how to plant, grow, fertilize) in an email.

Joyce will respond at the following meeting.

Holiday Luncheon: As per tradition, Bonnie Kellen reported that the Holiday Luncheon will be held at Misto’s on December 8 at 11:30 AM. More information will be forthcoming as details are worked out with the new owner of the restaurant.

Old Business: None

New Business:
-Paul Dinger requested that the club contact Dr. Crane or someone from IFAS to address the serious disease that may soon destroy all the lychee, avocado and citrus trees.

-Halloween Costumes are encouraged to be worn at the October meeting

-Chris Buntin offered free pots to members for plantings

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 AM immediately after the plant raffle was

Respectfully submitted,
Carol Mullin
Recording Secretary

Pine Island Garden Club

General Meeting Minutes

May 19, 2022


Page 2


General Meeting Minutes

February 17, 2022

The February 17, 2022 meeting of the Pine Island Garden Club was held at the Fishers of Men Lutheran
Church and was called to order at 9:30 AM by President Marty Kendall. All stood to recite the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.

Marty’s Quotes of the Day: “Gardeners stay in their beds all day.” And “Why are husbands like lawnmowers? They are difficult to get started, they emit foul smells and they don’t
work half the time.”

Marty thanked all the members of this month’s tea committee with a “WOW” compliment for all the
goodies provided. They received a hearty round of applause from all members.

Marty also proclaimed the March meeting as Crazy Hat Day. All members are encouraged to wear a crazy
decorated hat and have some fun.

Membership: Alice Trant announced the 2 guests attending today’s meeting and reported that membership currently stands at 84. Alice reminded those who have not yet done so to pick up their Yearbook.

Nominating Chair: Cheryl King requested that nominations for officer positions for the next 2 year cycle
be emailed to her by March 1, 2022. All of the positions are fully described in the Yearbook on page 2.
Cheryl will send out an email to all members regarding the process.

Recording Secretary: Carol Mullin reported that the minutes of the January meeting were emailed to all
members. A motion was made by Barb Riordan and supported by Susan Schroeder to approve the Minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer: Barb Riordan noted that the current P&L report was emailed to all members in advance of the meeting. The P&L will be updated with a final accounting following the Gala. Barb maintains a sufficient cash balance to pay for the Gala’s upfront expenses. After the final accounting and if profits are sufficient, donations will be paid out to the various island organizations as approved in the budget. A motion was made by Susan Schroeder and supported by Kathleen Hecksher to approve the Treasurer's report as presented. The motion passed unanimously.

Ways and Means: Nancy Kennedy and Carol Jo Nelson have a supply of t-shirts in butter yellow and
visors in white as well as other miscellaneous merchandise for sale. It was requested that all members wear a club shirt at the Gala. Ways and Means will be selling garden club merchandise as well as 50/50 raffle tickets at the Gala. The winner will be announced at 1PM.

Plant Therapy: In Marilyn Moore’s absence, Alice Trant reported that Victoria Krouch created very nice
cards that accompanied the bud vases provided with the Beacon Bites food delivery on Valentine’s Day.
The recipients were delighted. Alice requested that members donate some bud vases for the next Beacon
Bites flower delivery to be held on Monday July 4th. Marty also noted that flowers were delivered to
Marilyn Moore as her husband is very ill.

Corresponding Secretary: Darlene Widirstky had nothing new to report.
Historian: Marty has turned over old pictures to Margaret Bergsten for safekeeping. Treasurer’s and
Secretary’s reports will also be delivered to Margaret. Cher Lewis, Victoria Krouch and Margaret Bergsten will be taking pictures at the Gala for the website and historical records.

Garden Park: Kathy Chumley invited committee members to work next Thursday February 24th
beginning at 8:30 AM.

Museum Grounds: Kay Wickham, for Marti Carrs, invited committee members to work at the Museum
Grounds on Monday, February 21st beginning at 8:00 AM.

Field Trips: Kathleen Hecksher reported that enough reservations were made to hold the next field trip to Ding Darling on March 24th. A few additional participants may be accommodated.

Program: No program scheduled.

Website: Victoria Krouch keeps the website updated with garden club news and pictures. She explained that the private members’ section contains links from the page to the email addresses listed for ease of use.

Special Projects: Sue Dahod has volunteered to manage the special gardening projects that the garden club maintains on the island. She has recruited coordinators for each project:
Kiwanis Park                                        Barb Riordan
PIE and StJC Community Park         Cheryl King
Beacon of Hope                                   Laura White
Bokeelia Post Office                            Jill Weaver

Old Business:  None
New Business: Julie Stein will add a club Face Book page to the PI Prospect.

Horticulture: No report.
Marty received some suggestions that specific gardening Q&A’s be part of our meetings. It was further
suggested that questions be posed in advance so that they could be answered as part of the horticulture

Gala: Date: February 19, 2022 Theme: Gardening for Health.

The Gala is 2 days away and Chair Beth Smith is anticipating great weather and a very successful event. All committee chairs reviewed their plans and member assignments. Members were also reminded to drop off plants on Friday morning and baked goods on Saturday morning.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10:43 AM.
Respectfully submitted,

Carol Mullin
Recording Secretary

General Meeting Minutes 

October 21, 2021

“Growing tomatoes is the best way to devote 3 months of your life to save $2.17.” “Crabgrass can grow on bowling balls, in airless rooms & there is no way to kill it that does not involve nuclear weapons.” 

The October 21, 2021 meeting of the Pine Island Garden Club was held at the Fishers of Men Lutheran Church and was called to order at 9:30 AM by President Marty Kendall. All stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 
Membership: Alice Trant reported that membership currently stands at 77, including 2 new members & 6 guests, who were introduced. Attendance today was 35 members. She also wanted to thank Victoria Krouch for all of her hard work in preparing the Yearbook for publication, and all members received their copies today. 
Recording Secretary Marty Kendall reported that the minutes of the September meeting were emailed to all members. A motion was made by Susan Schroeder and supported by Bonnie Kellen to approve the Minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 
Treasurer: Treasurer Barb Riordan emailed the P&L and the budget to all members. Expenditures reflected purchasing merchandise for Mango Mania and our upcoming Gala. A motion was made by Kathy Chumley and supported by Beth Smith to approve the Treasurer's report as presented. The motion passed unanimously. Marty explained the Phillips Park project to rebuild the planter area before Garden Gala. An email will be forthcoming to vote on the expenditure for this project. 
Program: Liz Duchaine introduced Mongi Zekri, Citrus Extension Agent with UF/IFAS Extension (40 years), who presented information on growing Florida peaches. Handouts were given with valuable information regarding peach variations, fertilizing, watering, and the importance of fruit thinning. 
Gala: Beth Smith announced that the theme for the 2022 Gala will be: “Gardening for Health”. The Gala will be held on February 19, 2022. Beth has bookmarks, fliers, and donor letters ready to go. So far, 38 vendors have been registered. Marty asked for volunteers to approach local businesses for Gala donations & recorded assignments. If you were not present, please see Marty for your assignment(s). 
Ways and Means: Liz Duchaine displayed this year’s new t-shirts in bright yellow and also new visors in white. Some merchandise was available today and orders could also be taken. 
Plant Therapy: Marilyn Moore had no recent requests for plant therapy. Please keep Donna Schneider (hip replacement) and Bob Kellen (Bonnie) in your thoughts & prayers for their upcoming surgeries. 
Corresponding Secretary: Position open, please consider! 
Garden Park: Kathy Chumley invited members to participate in the next work party on Thursday, October 28 beginning at 8:30 AM. We will need help to replace the borders on the planter in November, an email will be forthcoming. 

Museum Grounds: Members were invited to participate in the next work party on Monday, October 25th beginning at 8:30 AM. 
Field Trips: Kathleen Hecksher has arranged five field trips for this coming year. All of the information is available in the 2021-2022 Yearbook. The first field trip will be to Pine Island Botanicals in Bokeelia on October 27 starting at 10 AM. The cost is $10 and entails a 90minute tour of the property. 
Holiday Luncheon: As per tradition, Bonnie Kellen reported that the Holiday Luncheon will be held at Misto’s on December 9 at 11:30 AM. Please sign up & pay at the November meeting. December1st is the deadline for payment or cancellation. 
Website: President Kendall stated that all of the information contained in the Yearbook is also posted on the club’s website: Victoria Krouch, who updated and greatly improved, the website announced that members’ names and addresses will not be public but can be accessed by members at Everyone expressed appreciation to Victoria for the great job she is doing with the website. 
Old Business: Susan Dahod was named the chairperson for garden projects which the PIGC has undertaken and maintains. Anyone wanting to serve on this committee should contact Sue directly. The first project will be at the Beacon of Hope. 
Members are encouraged to bring contributions of non-perishable food items for the Pine Island Food Pantry to future meetings. Those participating will receive a free raffle ticket for that day’s plant raffle in exchange for their donation. 
New Business: Please share your creative talents and make a basket for our Gala Lucky Buckets raffles. Some basket ideas are:
*Pet Basket *Laundry Basket *Pool Party *Wine & Dine *Gardeners Basket *Movie Basket *Breakfast Basket (Good Morning, PI) *Game Night Basket 
*Beach Basket *Bath Basket *Cat/Dog Basket 
Horticulture: Song of India – variegated long leaves of green/white/yellow, grows well in pots or in the ground. 8’-20‘tall. When trimmed, it will bush out, and likes warm climate & indirect sun. 
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 AM immediately after the plant raffle was announced. 
Respectfully submitted, 
Cheryl King
Assistant Recording Secretary 

General Meeting Minutes 

September 16, 2021

The September 16, 2021 meeting of the Pine Island Garden Club was held at the Fishers of Men Lutheran Church and was called to order at 9:30 AM by President Marty Kendall. All stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Marty welcomed everyone back and proceeded to give the uplifting quotes of the day.
Membership: Alice Trant reported that membership currently stands at 70, including 2 new members who were introduced. Attendance today totaled 29, including 2 guests. Alice stated that the newYearbooks would be available for the October meeting. She also wanted to thank Victoria Krouch for all of her hard work in preparing the Yearbook for publication.
Recording Secretary: Recording Secretary Carol Mullin reported that the minutes of the May meeting were emailed to all members. A motion was made by Barb Riordan and supported by Kathy Chumley to approve the Minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer: Treasurer Barb Riordan emailed the P&L and proposed budget to all members. Barb explained that there will be a Gala in 2022, however many estimates were made based on the best assumptions Barb could make. President Kendall expressed appreciation for Barb’s diligence in preparing the budget and also reported that she secured a $250 reduction in premiums for the club’s liability insurance. In addition Barb was able to update our computer and AV software. Training and support was provided by Dave at the Bokeelia Post Office. A motion was made by Kathy Chumley and supported by Nancy Kennedy to approve the Treasurer's report as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
Program: Liz Duchaine introduced Phil Krieg from the Bonsai Society. Phil discussed many aspects of bonsai (tree in a tray) growing and grooming, displayed 2 of his special projects and invited everyone to attend a bonsai competition to be held November 6 and 7 at the Berne Davis Center.
Gala: Beth Smith announced that the theme for the 2022 Gala will be: “Gardening for Health”. The Gala will be held on February 19, 2022. Beth is in the planning stage. So far, 24 vendors have been registered. Sign-up sheets and much more information will be available at the next meeting in October.
Ways and Means: Nancy Kennedy and Liz Duchaine modeled this year’s new t-shirts in bright yellow and also new visors in white. Some merchandise was available today and orders could also be taken.
Plant Therapy: Marilyn Moore had no recent requests for plant therapy.
Corresponding Secretary: In Paula Bruckner’s absence, President Kendall read a thank you letter from Dr. Millins, Principle of PI Elementary. He, as well as the staff and students were very appreciative of the beautiful plantings and mulching done on the school grounds in June by volunteer members of PIGC.
Garden Park: Kathy Chumley invited members to participate in the next work party on Thursday, September 23 beginning at 8:30 AM.
Museum Grounds: Members were invited to participate in the next work party on Monday, September 19 beginning at 8:30 AM.
Field Trips: Kathleen Hecksher has arranged five field trips for this coming year. All of the information will be available in the 2021-2022 Yearbook. The first field trip will be to Pine Island Botanicals in Bokeelia on October 27 starting at 10 AM. The cost is $10 and entails a 90 minute tour of the property. Kathleen is taking reservations starting today and will finalize at the October meeting.
Holiday Luncheon: As per tradition, Bonnie Kellen reported that the Holiday Luncheon will be held at Misto’s on December 9 at 11:30 AM. More information will be forthcoming.
Website: President Kendall stated that all of the information contained in the Yearbook is also posted on the club’s website: Victoria Krouch, who updated and greatly improved, the website announced that members’ names and addresses will not be public but can be accessed by members at Everyone expressed appreciation to Victoria for the great job she is doing with the website.
New Business: President Kendall named the garden projects which the PIGC has undertaken and maintains:
Beacon of Hope
Bokeelia Post Office
Kids Playground in St. James City
Pine Island Elementary
Garden Park
Museum Grounds
With all this in mind, President Kendall stated that a new committee to steward and monitor all of these projects is needed. Sue Dahod volunteered to be the Chairperson of this committee. Anyone wanting to serve on this committee should contact Sue directly.
Members are encouraged to bring contributions of non-perishable food items for the Pine Island Food Pantry to future meetings. Those participating will receive a free raffle ticket for that day’s plant raffle in exchange for their donation.
Cheryl King provided several copies of a new seed catalog for members to peruse.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10:44 AM immediately after the plant raffle was announced.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Mullin
Recording Secretary

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